Honeywell International, Inc.

Duluth, Georgia, United States

Advanced Cyber Sec Archt / Engr

Posted 12 days ago

Job Description

Advanced Cyber Sec Archt/Engr for Honeywell International, Inc. (Duluth, GA). Wrk drctly w/ccstmrs to ngtiate & dcmnt pre-enggmnt, trvl to ste to prfrm on-ste tstng or tstng of gnrl tchnlgy in our cyber scrty COE. Reqs Bach dgree* or frgn equiv in Comp Sci, Comp Info Systms, Cybr Scrty, or a rel fld + 7 yrs of exp in Infrmtnl & Oprtnl Tech (IT & OT). Fll trm of exp mst inclde: exprt knwldge of the life cycle of ntwrk threats, attcks, attck vctrs, & mthds of exploitatn w/ an undrstndng of intrsn set tctcs, tchnques, & prcdres; exp in LAN archtctres & rel diagnstc tools; LAN ntwrkng prncples & prtcls incldng Ethrnt, hubs, swtches, Routrs, TCP/IP, VLAN, Nxt Gnrtn Frwll, DMZ, VPN, IDS, IPS; TCP/IP prtcls – SMTP, SNMP, SCP, SSL, HTTP, SSH, SSL; cmmn indstrial cmmnctn prtcls – Modbus, Devicenet, Profibus, Foundtn Fieldbus, DNP3, & OPC, MS – Actve Drctry, DNS, WSUS, Trmnl Srvr, PwrShll; exp w/ anti-vrus systms, bckup & rstre sltns, systm mngmnt; exp utlzng ntwrk analysis tools, What’s Up Gold, Solr Wnds, etc.; exp w/ log cllctn, mngmnt, & rprtng; exp w/ entrprse & indstrial wreless tchnlgy; wrkng knwldge of open source cmmrcial pntrtn tstng tools such as Metasploit, Cobalt Strke, Kali Linux, Nessus, Nmap, Nexpose, Wreshrk, etc.; exp w/ IT pntrtn test. Mst hve 5 yrs of exp w/ the fllwng: exp w/ OT pntrtn test of Indstrial Cntrl Systms (ICS) & crtcl infrstrctre. Mst hve vld OSCP &/or OSCE certs. Up to 75% dmst/int trvl req. Tlcmmtng prmttd up to 2x/wk. *Emplyr will accpt 2 yrs of exp in lieu of a Bach dgree. If offd emplymnt mst hve lgl rght to wrk in U.S. EOE. To apply for this role visit: Reference code: req 472443